Life has really gotten away from me. I've been busy getting ready for the new arrival and work has picked up a bit as well. I attended an infant CPR class last week that was definitely an interesting experience. I never took CPR before so learning it in the first place was pretty cool, but spending 2 hours talking about and giving CPR to infant and child dummies was...strange. It's an invaluable skill though, that I'm so glad I know, but hope I never have to use.
As for work, my boss got me a lynda membership which has been unbelievably beneficial. Lynda is a website with tens of thousands of professional videos teaching you just about everything about just about every piece of technology. They cover still and video shooting and editing, content creation with after effects, photoshop, etc. along with computer programming and countless other topics.
I was joking on twitter the other day that using this website feels like being in the Matrix, minus the neck holes. I have a big project that's due in June where I have to design the CD cover, sleeve and disc art for this big annual meeting. I have less than a year of experience with photoshop and after effects, but my boss said that Illustrator would be the best program for this project. (Being a film guy I have no idea about this stuff) So I searched lynda for something on Illustrator and it responds big time!
"You need to know Illustrator? Well here's an 8 hour course teaching you everything you need to make just about anything. All you need to do is supply the creativity!"
"Ok!" I said in an excited tone.
I really want to get back into story writing...
I keep telling myself that I want to be a writer. I want to create an entire world and make everyone come to life. I probably need a good idea first though huh...